Blog Author: Rucsandra Mitrea

Rucsandra Mitrea

Learning To Listen: Part I

Dominion or Partnership?

In our culture we are used to dominate our physical bodies, to sweat them into submission, to use anti-inflammatory drugs to cover discomfort, to push them when they are tired, to ignore when they tell us to slow down, to override the signals that they send us. How many of us are truly listening, paying close attention to what our bodies are telling us? How many of us are even aware of the great wisdom and knowledge that reside in the physical body?

There is a wealth of information right there, inside the human body, readily available to us if we are only to pay attention and listen. Listening to our bodies is the ultimate vehicle to health and well being.

Despite the plethora of signals, hints and sometimes strong warning signs that our bodies give us, many of us choose – deliberately or not – to turn our backs to what we are being shown by our very own cells. We close our eyes and discount it all as being not important, and we stride through our busy lives. Until one day we get sick or injured and we are forced to stop the daily march. And even then we might refuse to listen! Continuing to run every day while our joints are telling us to stop or taking on one more work assignment even though we feel the weariness in our being are great ways to completely disregard what we are being offered.

Why is it that many choose to follow this pattern? Why do we not stop, breathe and concentrate on such important messages? The answer is very simple: no one has ever told us that our bodies carry that sort of information. No one has ever told us that it is imperative to listen!

It is now time to pay attention, to learn an integrated way of life.

If nurtured  and listen to, the essence of our physical bodies will tell us what to eat and when, how long to sleep, which situation is good for us and which is not, when to push our limits and when to rest, and what kind of fitness routine is appropriate at that particular time.

Choosing partnership instead of dominion over the physical body is the key to well being and ease. Treated as respected partners whose opinions are of great importance, our bodies will vibrate in health and harmony.

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