Blog Author: Rucsandra Mitrea

Rucsandra Mitrea

Opening Up To Greater Possibilities: Part I

Why do master yogis perform all the physically challenging and exhausting yoga routines? Why do they need the physical aspect, since they have already created a stable and continuous connection with the Divine? Why is it that they do not let go of their physical bodies in order to focus only on their purely spiritual practices?

Because they know that it is all one! Because they understand that physical blockages, misalignments and weaknesses will impede their capacity to connect with their Higher Selves and with the Divine.

Some of the spiritual people I’ve had conversations with over the last few years believe that the physical body is not of great importance and they continue to focus solely on their energetic beings, on their auras and chakras and spiritual connections with higher realms. Sometimes their physical bodies suffer, because they have been neglected for a long time.

Coming from the other end of the spectrum, the people who are deeply and mainly rooted in the physical realm are focusing only on their physical reality, without knowing or simply just ignoring the fact that we are more than physical beings. They sometimes feel alone, discouraged and afraid because they cannot yet connect with their greater powers and strengths.

The time has come to treat all the aspects of who we are with equal respect, attention and reverence. We inhabit a physical body, but we are so much more.  We cannot continue to ignore the wholeness of our existence. Our world today is a reflection of our ignorance and limiting beliefs. Now is the time to remember who we are and create a world to match our sacred nature.

Understanding who we are will allow us to change our inner world and then expand our knowledge into our immediate world, to our friends, families, co-workers and everyone we come in contact with. Through this process we will start pouring our creative and positive powers into the whole world and our combined efforts will resonate, amplified and expanded across the Earth.

We must start with ourselves! There is no way around it and there is no cause nobler and more worthy of our efforts than becoming aware and living with the realization of our true nature: OUR SACRED FORM™.

The Sacred Form™ is the wholeness of one’s being having a physical human manifestation. There are five bodies of the Sacred Form™, each one a powerful mirror reflecting the state of balance and integration of all five:

  • The Physical Body
  • The Emotional Body – the Emotions
  • The Mental Body – the Mind
  • The Energetic Body – the magnetic field or Aura
  • The Spiritual Body – the Soul

There are many methods and teachings at our disposal today that can help us become aware of the true nature of who we are.

Weather we choose to start at the physical level by taking care of our bodies, or learn more about our spiritual nature, all we need to do is open up to greater possibilities in that chosen realm and desire to see more.

Deciding to open the door to our SACRED FORM™ is what will change our human experience. It will allow us to live in expansion, with joy and freedom and this energy will resonate, reverberate and propagate throughout our world.

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