Blog Author: Rucsandra Mitrea

Rucsandra Mitrea

Getting Rid Of Pain Is Just The First Step

For the past fifteen years, my work has continuously evolved, shifting from the fitness and exercise industry to helping people escape physical pain, to helping them attain fuller health. I am happy to say that my clients are thrilled to enjoy pain free and active lives.

The process of helping people through the – sometimes rocky – healing process led me to the understanding that there is a powerful relationship between healing the body and the emotional and mental aspects of healing.

It also helped me understand that getting out of pain is only the first step.


Because once you are not in pain anymore, you can start living. A healthy and vibrant life is more than simply not hurting.

And that is what fuels my day-to-day and year-to-year determination to do more in my business and in my life in order to help my clients.

In the video I shared how I allowed myself to be more vulnerable in order to show up in a bigger way for my clients.

Becoming pain-free, getting healthier and living more fully starts with you deciding to be more vulnerable too!

There is great strength in vulnerability because when you allow yourself to be vulnerable you are also willing to ask for help.

You never have to go at this alone. There is always a way. All you need to do is open yourself up to the possibility that it exists. And ask for help

At Vital Directives, we are here for you!



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